The articles (written only in English) must have between 4,000 and 8,000 words, followed by a 200-word abstract, a very brief autobiographical note, keywords and JEL classification (if case).
The manuscripts should have an EU-related research dimension, use recent bibliographic citations, and include minimum the following: a research hypothesis, literature review, methodology, results and conclusions. The authors can either use in-text citation or footnotes. Please check the latest issue of the journal for more details about the formatting requirements.
Oxford citation system is highly recommended. The number of bibliographic references should be within reasonable limits.
The inclusion of tables, charts or figures is welcome in support of the scientific argumentation.
All articles should be presented in Microsoft Office Word format, Times New Roman, 12, at 1.5 lines, and will be sent to the address rjea[at], mentioning “[Short title of your article] – June 2025 issue”. You can use the following template to send your article.
Book reviews may be published in RJEA, but no longer than 2,000 words.
The editorial policy does not imply article processing charges (APC’s) or submission charges. The journal’s funding is covered from government subsidies and own revenues.
The editors reserve the right to edit the articles or to modify/eliminate some fragments, observing the original sense.
The extensive use of a too technical language or mathematic formulae should be avoided.
Starting 2010, the submission of an article implies commitment from the author to comply with the copyright policy of the Romanian Journal of European Affairs. The Copyright Agreement can be downloaded from here.
For details on the peer-review process please access here.
Plagiarism Policy: The Journal has a screening policy for plagiarism done by the editors and/or reviewers through the use of open-source software, specialized software (Strike Plagiarism) and/or search engines.